Why are my EAL students struggling with assessments?

What does EAL mean?

What does EAL stand for? What are the differences between EAL, EFL and ESL? What support do EAL students need and what support do they actually get? All your questions answered here! What on Earth do all the acronyms mean? If you have ever engaged in a discussion...
How To Improve Your Creative Writing Skills

How to compare texts

Comprehension, analysis, and evaluation.  These are just a few of the key skills that are developed and refined in English. Now, let’s turn our attention to the skill of comparison. You are presented with two texts and you are asked to compare their similarities and...
How To Improve Your Creative Writing Skills

How Do I Evaluate?

We’ve taken you through ‘How to analyse’ and now we are going to take you through the slightly more complex skill of evaluating. Evaluation is all about making a critical judgement. You would evaluate a film you watched at the cinema by weighing up its positives and...