The Ultimate Learning Platform
English, Maths and Science | Ages 11-16
The Get My Grades platform creates independent learners, reduces teacher workload and increases parental engagement. We empower parents, teachers and students to work together and reach their full potential. Click one of the buttons below to find out more about how Get My Grades can help you.
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Get My Grades allows students to self-mark, allows the teacher to see this self-marking and then add their own mark, which the student can then reflect on. The mark schemes are on-screen so that students and teachers can easily access and use the success criteria.
English TeacherSecondary School
Having access to the Get My Grades Learn Pages means that I can support my daughter in areas that I’m not strong in and track her progress in every subject down to every concept and when she’s at her dad’s there are no more excuses about not having any homework!
MumYear 10 Pupil
I wish I’d had Get My Grades when I was doing my GCSEs, I’d have done so much better! It’s good because it organises your work for you and it shows you your real results. I’d have been able to really understand my progress and work more effectively on my areas of weakness.
StudentYear 12