Tips for Keeping Safe Online

As a school student, you probably spend a lot of your spare time (as well as your study time) on the internet. It is such a valuable tool for information and communication – but do you know how to make sure you’re staying safe online? Read our top tips below to avoid getting into any trouble:

1. Avoid talking to people you don’t know.

No matter what website or app you are using to communicate, the person on the other end of it might not be who they say they are. They could be dangerous – so make sure you know exactly who you are talking to. If you can’t be 100% sure, then it’s probably safer to delete and/or ignore them.

2. Never give out your personal information…

…especially your full name, age, address, school or any other location that you may be in. Unfortunately, there are some people who might try to use this information to commit fraud or to put you in danger.

3. If you wouldn’t want it shown on national news, don’t send it or say it.

When you send messages, pictures or videos online, they can easily end up in the hands of other people and made public. Don’t send anything that you wouldn’t want people to see or read on the TV.

4. Be aware of online scams.

There are many online scams that usually aim to trick you into sharing information. One very common scam involves someone contacting you to inform you that you have been logged out of an account and need to follow a link to re-enter your password. In fact, your password will then be recorded and the person will be able to log into your account. Always use the official site or app to log in rather than any links you receive.

5. Ignore bullying tactics.

You are not required to communicate with people who you don’t like, don’t know, or don’t trust. Don’t be pulled into conversations or arguments online where people are being nasty. If someone is bullying you or someone else, it’s better to report it to a parent or teacher instead of getting involved.